Porn 2.0 Utopias–Authenticity and Gay Masculinities on Cam4
Patrick Henze (Patsy l'Amour laLove)2013 Criticism Courtesy of Networking Knowledge: The Journal.
Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA-PGN 6.1 (2013)contributor
XPatrick Henze (Patsy l'Amour laLove)
Patrick Henze (Patsy l'Amour laLove) has earned an M.A. in Gender Studies and is currently completing his Ph.D. at Humboldt University in Berlin on the Gay Movement of the 1970s in Western Germany. He is a member of the board of the Gay Museum (Schwules Museum) and a speaker for the LGBTI-Referat [support group] of the university. He is also a drag performer (Tunte) and organizer.
In addition to the essay included here, Patrick Henze (Patsy l‘Amour laLove) has published "Die lückenlose Kette zwischen Politik und Schwul-Sein aufzeigen: Aktivismus und Debatten in der Homosexuellen Aktion Westberlin zwischen 1971 bis Juni 1973." Binder, Beate: Geschlecht – Sexualität. Erkundungen in Feldern politischer Praxis. Berliner Blätter SH 62/2013. S. 13-27.
X- Born: Heilbronn-Neckargartach, Germany
- Based: Berlin, Germany
- Also Based in: Berlin, Germany